Your Maguire Law Firm Team

BJ Hardesty

Barbara J. Hardesty, "BJ"

Litigation Paralegal

About Barbara

I grew up in Ohio “GO BUCKS!!” – I am a big sports nut! I played sports all through school and into my adult life. I have coached elite fast-pitch softball, high school softball, and high school basketball. I am married to an amazing man – Craig. I have 3 children and 10 grandchildren. (They are ALL my life!!) In my spare time, I like spending time on the beach, at the pool, and socializing with family and friends.

I have been working in law since 1988. I obtained an Associate Degree in Business, but when I accepted my first job in a law firm, my passion for law outweighed my business degree. I then went back to school and obtained a Paralegal Degree.

My first job was in Virginia with a law firm. This firm taught me about the general practice of law. Of course that was in the days of short-hand and everything was dictated (whew, glad that went out with the dinosaurs!)

Since then, I expanded my legal skills and knowledge working in family law, corporate law, civil law, dabbled a little bit with real estate and probate, and worked with a Judge in the Court of Appeals for 10 years — but found my passion with personal injury.

When I moved to South Carolina, I was hired by Maguire Law Firm. Of course, working with this firm is awesome! Of all the firms I have been a part of, I can honestly say that Ian (Maguire) is one of the best boss’ I have had the pleasure of working with! I enjoy talking with the clients and helping them with their cases.

I am most proud of my work ethics and my attention to detail. I hold steadfast to my character as being honest, efficient, and hard-working – and yes, drama free! I have instilled a personal goal for myself in that my work product reflects on me as well as the firm I represent. I work diligently on continuing to accomplish that goal.

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